160174JB-2: 160174JB-2
160174JB-2: 160174JB-2
广州: 160174JB-2
报价: 580.00元/个
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2020-02-23 11:53
浏览次数: 167
手机号: 15800004159
电话: 86 020 22104445

广州金特异汽配有限公司 中国空气弹簧 金威办位于广东 广州市白云区白云大道北新广从汽配城十三街700档,主营空气弹簧内销及出口业务(空气弹簧又俗称气囊、减震气囊、橡胶空气弹簧、空气弹簧气囊、汽车空气弹簧、工业空气弹簧、车辆空气弹簧、气囊避震器、空气弹簧减震器、空气弹簧避震器、空气弹簧减振、空气悬挂空气弹簧、空气悬架空气弹簧、空气减震器、空气避震器、提升空气弹簧、双层囊式空气弹簧、单层囊式空气弹簧、膜式空气弹簧、空气弹簧总成、气囊空气弹簧、充气空气弹簧、充气减震器、气囊减振垫、减震器气囊、避震器气囊、空气弹簧气包、空气弹簧气袋、设备空气弹簧、机床空气弹簧、机床减震装置、防震动空气弹簧、防抖动空气弹簧、空气弹簧缓冲器、空气弹簧悬置、悬架空气弹簧、悬挂空气弹簧、悬浮桥空气弹簧、提升桥空气弹簧、避震气囊、隔震空气弹簧、隔音空气弹簧、气囊减震、气囊减震器、气囊垫、空气囊、橡胶气囊、提升气囊、悬挂气囊、悬架气囊、减振气胎、单囊空气弹簧、双囊空气弹簧、多囊空气弹簧、单曲气囊、双曲气囊、多曲气囊等等叫法不同)空气弹簧英文称air spring 减震器英文称shock absorber 空气悬挂、空气悬架与减震系统在客车,卡车,驾驶室,汽车座椅,豪华轿车,轨道车辆的气囊减震器、减震气囊、空气悬挂橡胶气囊减振以及工业大型机械设备空气弹簧、环保设备空气弹簧、皮革机设备空气弹簧、检测平台设备空气弹簧、洗涤设备空气弹簧、游乐设备空气弹簧、矿石设备管道设备空气弹簧、船泊设备空气弹簧、精密设备空气弹簧、造纸机设备空气弹簧、升降举升台设备空气弹簧、压力机设备空气弹簧、振动运输机空气弹簧、振动筛设备空气弹簧、空气锤设备空气弹簧、振动试验机空气弹簧、铸造机械空气弹簧、4D电影院座椅空气弹簧、压榨机设备空气弹簧、隔震设备空气弹簧、隔震仪器空气弹簧、汽车站检测平台空气弹簧提升、大理石防抖动设备空气弹簧减震装置等等四角悬空空气悬架使设备减少地面震动及减少噪音效果,现国内外设备厂家大多都采用我们广州金威空气弹簧厂家生产的减震系统,防震动减震气囊垫空气悬架领域,我们提供的开发,设计,制造,销售等服务.做为国内专业的减震产品系统供应商, 公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取,”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务!


Guangzhou gold specific steam match Co., Ltd. China Air Spring Jinwei office is located in the thirteen street, thirteen street, 700 in Baiyun Avenue, Baiyun Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong. The main air spring domestic and export business (air spring is also commonly known as air spring, air sac, rubber air spring, air spring air bag, automobile air spring, and worker. " Air spring, vehicle air spring, air bag shock absorber, air spring shock absorber, air spring shock absorber, air spring damping, air suspension air spring, air suspension air spring, air shock absorber, air shock absorber, hoisting air spring, double layer air spring, single layer air spring, membrane type Air spring, air spring assembly, air spring, air spring, pneumatic shock absorber, air bag, shock absorber gasbag, air spring bag, air spring air bag, air spring air bag, e air spring, machine tool air spring, machine tool shock absorber device, vibration proof air spring, anti shake air spring Spring, air spring buffer, air spring suspension, suspension air spring, suspended air spring, suspension bridge air spring, lift bridge air spring, shock absorber air bag, isolated air spring, sound insulation air spring, air bag damping, air bag shock absorber, air bag cushion, air bag, rubber air bag, lifting air bag, suspension air bag The suspension air sac, the vibration damper, the single air spring, the double air spring, the polycystic air spring, the single air bag, the hyperbolic air bag, the multiple air bag and so on are different. The air spring is called the air spring shock absorber. It is called the shock absorber air suspension, the air suspension and the shock reduction system in the bus, truck, cab, car Seat, limousine, rail vehicle air bag shock absorber, shock absorber air bag, air suspension rubber gasbag vibration damping and industrial large mechanical e air spring, environmental e air spring, leather machine e air spring, testing platform e air spring, washing e air spring, air spring, ore e. The air spring of pipeline e, air spring of boating e, air spring of precision e, air spring of paper machine e, air spring of lift lifting platform e, air spring of press e, air spring of vibration conveyer, air spring of vibrating screen e, air spring of air hammer e, air spring of vibration test machine, Air spring of foundry machinery, air spring of 4D cinema seat, air spring of press e, air spring of isolation e, air spring of isolation e, air spring lifting of vehicle station detection platform, air spring damping device of marble anti jitter e and so on, and so on, four angle suspension air suspension to reduce ground vibration and decrease of e. The noise effect, the domestic and foreign e manufacturers mostly use our Guangzhou Jinwei air spring factory production shock absorption system, anti vibration and shock absorption air suspension field, we provide excellent development, design, manufacturing, sales and other services. As a domestic professional shock absorption product system supplier, the company adheres to "customer first, sharp" We must adhere to the principle of "customer first" and provide service for our customers.

  • 地址:中国广东广州市白云区大道北路113号
  • 电话:86 020 22104445
  • 手机:15800004159
  • 联系人:王志华